While a bit tricky at first, the herringbone single crochet is a gorgeous variation of the herringbone family of crochet stitches.
How to crochet the herringbone single crochet stitch
This photo and video tutorial aims to explain this tricky stitch. After you’ve mastered the herringbone single crochet, you may want to tackle my “Fishbone crochet ankle socks” pattern!
The reason this stitch is tricky is that the pattern appears only on the right side.
The right side (RS)
The 1st single crochet of the RS row is a regular single crochet. After that 1st stitch is made, proceed as follows across the row:
Insert the hook in the last leg (vertical bar) of the previous stitch and in the next stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through the three loops on hook.

See the right side of the herringbone single crochet in action.
The wrong side (WS)
This is where it gets tricky. In order for the pattern to appear on the right side, you’ll be working the stitches on this side from the right side to the wrong side of the work.
The 1st single crochet of the wrong side row is a regular single crochet stitch but it is worked from the right side to the wrong side. It will be helpful to flip your work to see where to insert the hook.
After that 1st stitch is made, proceed as follows across the row, flippling your work to see where to insert the hook:
Bring the yarn to the front and behind the hook. Working from right to left, insert the hook in the last leg (vertical bar) of the previous stitch and in the next stitch from the RS to the WS, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through three loops on hook.

See the wrong side of the herringbone single crochet in action.
I recommend practicing this stitch with thicker yarn to start, to get a feel for it.
After you’ve mastered the herringbone single crochet, you may want to tackle my “Fishbone crochet ankle socks” pattern!
xo Julie
2 thoughts on “How to: Herringbone single crochet stitch”
Interesting! Reminds me of linked stitches I’ve been crocheting for over 60 years and never heard of this method before. Thanks so much!
I love linked stitches too!