If you’re coming to this page specifically, chances are you found me through Marly Bird’s Yarn Thing Podcast.
Hello, and welcome! It’s really nice to meet you.
I met Marly a couple of years ago, at the CGOA conference. I was starstruck, of course. When I started designing crochet patterns, Marly was already an established designer (she must have started when she was 12)! Meeting her was supercool. Calling her a friend now is even better!
About me.
I’m a French-Canadian lady named Julie. I live on Montreal’s north shore in a teeny blue house. I’m recently married to The Man of my life, have a beautiful 18 year old daughter, a no-less beautiful 16 year old stepson, 2 dogs (sigh), and a really fat cat. I’m very proud of my family. We work hard at our happiness.
I started designing quickly after I learned to crochet. Mostly because I don’t like making the same thing twice, unless I’m making socks. I tend to come up with patterns that are modern, colourful, and hovering at or before intermediate level. I loooove to design toe-up socks, and Tunisian-crochet patterns. My patterns are published in French and English.
I teach crochet, I translate and edit crochet patterns, I learn everything I can about crochet… basically I breathe crochet! I’m also a Natural Born Collaborator, so I’ve been gathering French-speaking crochet designers under a common umbrella, Le Collectif Francrochet. We’re striving for nothing less than world domination through beautiful crochet stitches.
High Hopes
I believe we should be able to make a living through our passion, and have been convincing other people around me of this full-time for around a year now. The world is changing, and economies are changing. The internet allows me to stay in touch with people from everywhere, and for that I’m grateful. It brought me to you fine people =)
If you want to stay in touch with me, there are options !
Join my Facebook group (you do have to answer the questions to be let in), follow my Facebook page, follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, or right here at this blog. I also have a monthly newsletter about to start up again in May, where I will be sharing my latest crochet news, upcoming events, and exclusive deals.
If you want to see my designs, the most complete library is in my Ravelry store. If you want to buy me pattern demos, or the notion collection I periodically publish, that’ll be on Etsy.
I’m really truly thankful for this opportunity to meet you. So thank you Marly, you rock – and thank you Katelyn, for being Marly’s intrepid Social Media Director. You also rock.
Talk soon!