I write this a little bit after the start of 2020. I’ll magically still put this in front of any other posts, because I can. I’ve been taking the time to slow down these last few days. To work better. To create habits that I want in my life, rather than spinning on the hamster wheel, going nowhere.

It’s soooo easy to get caught up into TASKS, rather than into BUILDING.

So with that, my first post. Just a word. And in French, too, sorry (#notsorry). My focus word this year, the intention I’m setting for 2020, is to be disciplined. Not at all in the military sense this word can be read in, that’s not me. More in the sense of working, moving, learning, creating, loving… all in an intentional manner, with purpose, with direction. Knowing where I want to go next, and taking the steps to go there.

Even if it’s just drinking more water, which I’ve been doing.

Do you choose a focus word? Let me know!

Julie xx