Vers Cythère lives in France, where she designs & takes stunning photos of her crochet projects – and surroundings.

I recently had the chance to work with her on the translation to English of her beautiful Sardana Stole. She agreed to play the interview game for you. Here are her answers.
1. What motivated you to start crocheting & to start designing crochet patterns?
It was in Spain, and I was 8 or 9 when I discovered and learned to crochet. The first item I made that summer was a red shawl, today it’s called the half-giant granny.
After that, I made a lot of shawls for my family, and granny squares. Granny squares that stayed in shoe boxes… and bags, and swimsuits, and boleros.
I was inventing patterns, the magazines then weren’t giving me what I was looking for.
I’ve kept a swimsuit from that period.
As a teen, jacquard knitting took over me; I forgot about crochet. I was inventing sweaters.
Then I took up sewing, started a family…
3 years ago, I wanted a hat for my daughter. I took out some cotton & some hooks and the adventure started. ‘La Maille au Doigt’ came to life, I was hooked again.
[As to designing her patterns for others she says :]
Putting a pattern together, explaining how to reach an end is a difficult process, but it’s so stunning seeing your own creation being reinterpreted by others through different colours and fibers. The Aveiro square in black and pink, for example!
Original here :
To know that something I thought up can be made anywhere in the world is very exciting. Crochet without borders, what a nice thought.
2. Is there any one project or item you are particularly proud of?
Every new item is my favorite, until the next one!!! So today, I’m going to answer the Sardana Stole!!! I do have a soft spot for the Sari silk purse and the Aveiro square.

3. Other than crochet, do you have any other creative outlets?
My studies at the Fine Arts school led me to photography, which remains one of my favorite and most regular activities. Sometimes I wonder whether I crochet simply to experience the joy of taking those pictures.
To create an installation in which crochet would play a major role, all revealed through photography is a new dream of mine.
4. Would you recommend an online, handmade shop or blog you admire?
I really love the blog Fée moi un cygne (this is a play on words – fais-moi un signe is give me a sign; fée is fairy, cygne is swan) by Odile Mandrette – because of her textile sculptures.
5. Do you have any advice for the newer crocheters out there? Something to do or to avoid?
If you’re just starting crochet, avoid blankets. Start smaller : bags, scarves, hats. Diversity will allow mastering more techniques and stitches.
To create through crochet you have to free yourself from technique, but before that you have to master it!!!
Today, I love crochet because I can do anything with it, and with any thread or yarn. Technique is spontaneous.
Thanks, Vers Cythère!
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